Spiritual Life
Books • Fitness & Health • Spirituality/Belief
Spiritual Life provides spiritual concepts, practices, and real-life examples to assist members in rediscovering their inherent spiritual abilities.

We are open to any belief system as we believe everyone is unique.

This community is based on a way of life designed to reduce the stress, drama, grief, or trauma we've experienced (or may be experiencing) in life.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
How We Get Our Happy Back!

Okay, it's been over 3 years since our whole world changed overnight.

As if that wasn't enough, most of us had been working on other stuff to make our lives better.

A majority of people in the world are still living in fear, anger, anxiety, division, depression, confusion, and a whole host of other negative emotions.

Our body and mind are miraculous creations, but they are NOT designed to withstand continuous stress and fear.

When are we going to let it go?
How are we to fix it?
Are we ready to realize things will never be the same (just different)?

Today's video is about how we get our happy back!

It's not a political or religious discussion.
It's a spiritual discussion.

How we change our lives and our world for the better is a spiritual thing.

We've tried the body & mind only for thousands of years and we're living with the result.

It's time to use the spiritual part of our inherent nature . . . or continue to live in fear.

Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
What else you may like…
Subconscious Sabotage? (Think, Say, Do-Part 3)

What does your subconscious mind do with what you think, say, do, & feel during your day?

Realizing how important your daily life is to your future is the 1st step in living a happier, balanced life!

Tell a Different Story! (Think, Say, Do 1)

THINK about what you say before you say it.
SAY what you want in your life. (Not what you don't want.)
DO something different.

We create the life we are experiencing . . . every day.
Is it time for you to tell a different story?

Waiting to be Rescued?

Today we kick off our series "Think, Say, Do, & Feel"!

This series will help you discover things you can do to navigate our crazy world while maintaining calm and balance. :)

But first things first . . .

We have to discuss who or what (government or other entity) is going to save you from the rollercoaster ride we've all been on for the last few years . . .

December 09, 2022
Release Your Stress & Negative (SSJ 22)

Are you holding stress in your body?
Can you feel the tightness in your shoulders, head, neck, or back?

Like most people, you've probably had a stressful last couple of years. Time to dump that crap!

If we hold negative (stress, drama, anxiety, anger, etc.) in our body, it can cause illness!

This practice can be found in Chapter 10, page 132, practice #3 in my book "The Truth About Spiritual Gifts".

Review the practice before doing it. If you don't have the book, listen to the MP3 before doing the practice.

Homework: I'd love to hear about how you felt after doing this practice! Let me know in the comments.

Have some fun this weekend. See you next week. :)

Release Your Stress & Negative (SSJ #22)
What are You Thinking? (Think, Say, Do-Part 2)

I'm on vacation this week, but wanted to give you a practice to help you see why certain experiences come into your life . . .

Grab your journal (or some paper).
It's important for you to write (not type) this practice.

For the next week, write down the thoughts you have during the day.
You don't have to go into great detail. Just a sentence is enough.

Examples: Lady cut me off in traffic and I thought, "what a B**ch".
My hands were full and a man held open the door for me. How nice of him!

At the end of the week, look back and count the number of good thoughts and not so good thoughts.

Which one did you have more of, good or negative?
Did you allow people to anger you with their words or actions?
How could you have changed the negative thoughts into more positive ones?

Remember, our words, thoughts, actions, and emotions have power. What we send out comes back to us. The way we use them creates what we experience in our life.

Have a great week and I'll see you next time!

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De's Book Report

As you know, I'm an independent author and like to support other author's when I can.

This week there are 39 Ebooks being offered at no cost!

These are helpful nonfiction books on parenting, writing, confidence, mindset, recipes, grief, micro-greens, health topics, dreams, and more!

My book, "The Truth About Spiritual Gifts" is also available. :)

Click the link to find the perfect book(s) for you! https://books.bookfunnel.com/makinglifegreat/v3pix9sn09

Thank you for supporting independent authors like me!

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Happy Memorial Day! Summer Reading Season Begins!

Hopefully everyone has the day off to spend with loved ones AND pay their respects.

Today also kicks off the summer season. A break from the school year and a great time to catch up on some reading before school starts again in the Fall.

If you're looking to build up your summer reading list and enjoy inspirational, true stories, how to's, self discovery, parenting, or just about anything else non-fiction . . .

Here are 55 books you can get for free!
Just click on the link to get your fav's:

Getting the free books ends June 25th, so don't delay in building your unique "Summer Reads" list!

(Included is my memoir "Born a Poor, Black, Indian, White Girl", which reveals my origin story and why I became a spiritual author and coach.)

Hope you find many to enjoy!

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